
Monday, June 22, 2009

it's a crazy life....

Life in the Howard house has been crazy - but that should give me a sense of calm. Since that usually means things are fine and normal.
Timothy is recovering great from his surgery. He is doing all his physical therapy and working hard to get his knees stronger.
My sister and I traveled to Pennsylvania this past Thursday. We drove all day Thursday and spend Friday and Saturday visiting my Grandma, Lee (grandma's husband), and any other relatives we could fit in. My Grandma, wow, I wish I could describe what she was. I just remember her as a women full of life. She was always dressed to kill and had every perfect accessory. Her hair always just perfect. Her house was perfectly decorated and I do believe it is what has inspired my decorating. It was as if you were in Williamsburg. I just loved visiting her and being at that house. Going to see her now in the hospice nursing home was very hard. For what she is holding on for, I am not sure. She will not eat, so she is slowing fading. When me and my sister walked in though - her whole face changed. Deep in there - I could see my grandma and every so often she would get an expression on her face and i knew she was in there somewhere. But the honest truth is I wanted to say to her - "go, we will be fine." I didn't mainly because I don't know if that is my place and my one aunt is far from ready to say goodbye. But I know where my Grandma is going and I know it will be a far better place that where she is now.
We also went to see Lee. My grandfather died when i was just a baby and my grandma married Lee. Lee was our grandfather. He was an awesome grandfather. He is struggling also. The list of things wrong with him is long. But what is so sweet to see is that while visiting them both - they long to be together. He is convinced that as soon as he gets better and stronger he will be able to bring her home and take care of her (not, ever going to happen). They don't make love like that anymore.
Today we start our family vacation - we are staying home and visiting all that this city has to offer. Hopefully we will have a great week and enjoy the time we have together. Time is swift and if we are not careful - we will forget to gather the memories as we walk along. I pray God reminds me often to pick up the memories and store them away.


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