
Friday, March 27, 2009


I made it to the gym today WOW day 1. I figured since I am having all these health issues that I should try and take care of myself. I walked on the treadmill for 30 mins and then did some arm exercises. Now, my son (Timothy), was helping me figure out how to use these machines. Once I got started I believe he called me a "wimp". I could barely do the 10 pounds = guys, this is adding no weight to the machine. It was sad!!! I really am a wimp. But I keep telling myself that I have to start somewhere.

I have also cut out Coke. I believe this will be the hardest part. Not sure I can do that. But again, we will take baby steps. I need to get my blood pressure down.

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Michele,
    Aaahhh! So good to "meet" you here in blogland. Oh, forget those boys- you are NOT a wimp. You are trying, aren't you?!! Has he always been so "strong and manly"?!!

    Coke...oh, I love it but have been free for about 6 weeks now. I would love to have one RIGHT NOW, but I have gotten beyond the withdrawl and I'm scared to even take one sip. I do not want to have another migraine- now that scares me. You can do it! Praying for 'ya!
    In Him,
